The Waterloo Regional Eye Program provides medical and surgical eye care to patients in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, and surrounding areas. We provide important education on eye diseases and treatments. We help patients find the right eye doctor and simplify the eye care pathway. We recognize that empowering patients leads to better care.

The Waterloo Regional Eye Program provides medical and surgical eye care to patients in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, and surrounding areas. We provide important education on eye diseases and treatments. We help patients find the right eye doctor and simplify the eye care pathway. We recognize that empowering patients leads to better care.

Diseases and Procedures

Educational materials on common eye diseases and procedures can help you prepare to see an ophthalmologist. This open-access content is free to download for providers and patients.

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Eye Surgeons

Ophthalmologists in the Waterloo Region provide comprehensive and subspecialty medical and surgical eye care. Here you can find eye surgeon profiles, their office location and details, with links to relevant external websites.

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Getting Care

Knowing when to see an eye doctor, how to find an eye doctor, and what care pathways exist can help patients find the right provider at the right time. We outline the different roles of eye care providers and demonstrate how collaboration between optometrists and ophthalmologists allows us to provide excellent care to patients in the Waterloo Region.

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Refer a Patient

We are proud to announce the start of centralized referral for cataract surgery in the Waterloo Region. All cataract surgeons are involved in the centralized referral program and any new non-urgent cataract referrals will be redirected to central intake. All patients need a referral from an optometrist or a primary care provider to see an ophthalmologist.

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Cataract surgery wait times

Wait times for cataract surgery are updated quarterly, with wait 1 representing how long it takes in days to get in to see the surgeon in the office, and wait 2, how long it takes after that to get in for surgery.
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